PCA Scatter plot

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Series Select: Double click on a series in the legend which disabled all the rest of the series.
Oryza sativa
Waters XevoG2 QTOF

Scatter plot

Zoom: Drag the range you want to zoom up.
Back: Double chlick.
Series Select: Double click on a series in the legend which disabled all the rest of the series.

Spectrum references

No Spectrum reference name Public/Private Category Family Tissue Species Genotype background Perturbation Diet culture Biological replicate Technical replicate
1 190827_037nn public Blank NA Blank Blank Blank Blank 1 1
2 190827_041nn public Plant NA Oryza sativa Nipponbare NA On wet commercial soil (Bonsol II) 1 1
3 190827_042nn public Plant NA Oryza sativa Nipponbare NA On wet commercial soil (Bonsol II) 2 1
4 190827_043nn public Plant NA Oryza sativa Nipponbare NA On wet commercial soil (Bonsol II) 3 1